Lions Clubs have been around since 1917. In response to social problems created by World War I, a Chicago businessman named, Melvin Jones invited business clubs from around the USA to a meeting to make a commitment to improve their communities and this is how the Association of Lions Clubs was formed. In 1920 Lions became International with the establishment of a club in Windsor, Canada. In 1925 Helen Keller addressed Lions at the International Convention and challenged them to become her “Knights of the Blind in the crusade against darkness”. Since then Lions have worked tirelessly to aid those who are blind and visually impaired.
The World's Largest Service Club Organization, Our 46,000 clubs and 1.4+ million members make us the world's largest service club organization. We're also one of the most effective. Our members do whatever is needed to help their local communities. Everywhere we work, we make friends. With children who need eyeglasses, with seniors who don’t have enough to eat and with people we may never meet.
Web Design Martin 22 April 2084 18 2
In vulputate eros in auctor vulputate. Sed tempus libero consectetur pulvinar lobortis. Quisque dictum diam enim, non facilisis enim fermentum vitae. Sed faucibus ullamcorper iaculis. Quisque a laoreet purus, sed fringilla velit. Phasellus ut eleifend leo. Curabitur vitae tristique tortor, eu fermentum arcu.
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Digital Life Johnny 18 April 2084 24 3
Fusce ut iaculis tortor, vel aliquam nunc. Vivamus a consequat turpis. Praesent quis arcu eget justo cursus vulputate. Vestibulum scelerisque ante id nunc viverra, ac consectetur mauris auctor. Quisque vulputate, diam at euismod fringilla, dolor nibh imperdiet urna, ac facilisis nunc ante eget lorem.
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Security Jesica 10 April 2084 48 4
Sed faucibus ullamcorper iaculis. Quisque a laoreet purus, sed fringilla velit. Phasellus ut eleifend leo. Curabitur vitae tristique tortor, eu fermentum arcu. Vivamus adipiscing urna et nisl fringilla sagittis. Nunc sapien est, scelerisque non aliquet a, malesuada vulputate dolor.
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